The growth of a business and its revenues depend to a large extent on sales. Hence businesses of all sizes spend a large part of their marketing budget on advertising to attract new customers. With people spending more time daily online, using the internet to find suppliers of products and services, businesses are also spending more money on digital marketing. This includes social media marketing which covers marketing using social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, video marketing using YouTube and videos on other websites. However, one of the most cost effective marketing techniques is search engine marketing which involves using search engines for marketing and search engine optimization or SEO.

While earlier people consulted their family, friends for information, or used yellow pages, increasingly people are using popular search engines like Google and Bing for finding the information they require. Specifically, search engines are used extensively for find suitable sellers for services and products. Hence why marketing using search is one of the most reliable ways for a business to find new customers for the products or services it is selling. The search engines allow businesses to advertise their products and services along with the search results.

Most of these search engines charge the advertiser based on the number of visitors who click on the advertisement, and this form of advertising is called pay per click (PPC) advertising. All the visitors to the business website will not convert into leads and orders. Hence it is necessary to closely monitor all the visitors from search engines, monitor their behavior and optimize the website content, to increase the conversion rate. It also necessary to find out what the search engine visitors are looking for, and ensure that the information is included in the website. Though effective, PPC advertising is expensive, since the business has to pay for each visitor to the website. Hence businesses are also focusing on SEO so that the business will rank well in the search engine results, since the search visitors are free. Most internet users will click and visit the first few websites in the search results to find suppliers, hence a business should try to ensure that their website appears on the top of the search results for keywords which are relevant to the business. These keywords are typically related to the main products or services sold by the business, and also the name of the business.

The search engines have their own criteria for ranking the websites in their search results, based on their perceived order of relevance. Since most businesses are not internet related, they do not have the resources to understand the complex search engine algorithms and optimize the business website to rank well. Hence it is advisable to hire a specialized SEO agency like GorillaGurus who understands search algorithms, and updates, who will do the onsite and offsite optimization required to improve the rankings of the business website in search results. Offsite optimization includes link building and onsite optimization covers improving the website design, content, so that the business is easily found by potential customers using the top search engines.

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